Friday, June 22, 2012

4 Weeks Remaining Until My Journey Begins!

There are now 4 weeks to go until I cross over to the other side of the pond (aka...Atlantic Ocean).  Since I first started this blog, I've begun teaching Driver's Education (Behind the Wheel) and I became engaged to my girlfriend (now fiance), Sarah K. Smith on June 19.  However, I still have found the time to begin packing/preparing for my 3 week trip, but I also wanted to provide everyone with some updated information about where I will be visiting and working this summer.  I also just completed my introductory PowerPoint that I have to present upon arrival at the welcoming session about the Farmwell population/community.

Below are the links to some U.K. Museum websites that I and the other members of my summer residency program will be visiting and doing research on World War II

Imperial War Museum –
National Army Museum -
RAF Museum -
National Museum of the USAF -
Smithsonian –
The Museum of Flight -

For all of you history lovers out there, stay tuned for additional information on WWII books and articles!

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