Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 10 (Duxford) - July, 31, 2012

All day yesterday, I could tell that something wasn’t right with my body and I didn’t sleep well at all last night because I had the beginnings of a cold.  I absolutely hate it when I get (who doesn’t) but to get sick now in the middle of my trip made things worse.  All day long my nose was running and I blew my nose constantly, and I didn’t feel right or want to be at the museum working in my group on our first lesson.  If only I could have got a sick day.  Anyways, the day of preparation for our lesson for the UK students on Monday went fine, and we even broke up into our second pair of groups and got our topics so that we can get to work immediately on Thursday.

When we returned to Homerton, I felt like ****, so after dinner I decided to skip the night tour of the colleges in Cambridge with the group.  I came back to my room, took a hot shower, and took a drink of good old reliable when I’m sick (Nyquil)…for some reason I made sure I packed it before I left and it’s a good thing I did.

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