Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 16 (Summer Camp With UK Students @ Duxford) - August 6, 2012

Everyone was a little nervous last night at dinner when we started talking about our expectations for our summer camp that began this morning.  As expected, we thought that the morning registration and scavenger hunt of the American Air Museum at Duxford would be chaotic and we were right.  It is very similar to the first day of school, and a blind person could see that the organizers of this summer residency program haven’t had any teaching experience and were a little overwhelmed.  However, at the end of the day, the first day was a success. 

My group taught the same lesson 3 different times because of the large number of students, we broke them into groups of 15 so it wasn’t too different from a normal class, expect for the fact that we broke the content down so that all 5 members of my group would teach something different.  What we had was a phenomenal group of teachers who planned and collaborated together – a wonderful model of team teaching!  Our lesson today focused on Preconceptions that Americans had about England and vice versa beginning in 1942 upon the arrival of US forces to Duxford.  Below are some of the highlights of our lesson we taught today:
                *We asked the UK students to write down things that they would tell US exchange students
                  today that were coming over to the UK.  Then we said that it wasn’t very different from 1942
                  when the US troops first arrived, minus the lack of technology that is around today.
                *We showed a short 5 minute clip from a US video from WWII that taught the US troops about
                  the differences and similarities between our 2 cultures as they first arrived in the UK in 1942.
                  (We will be showing some small clips of WWII propaganda on Thursday night at the movie
                   theatre on the base before we show our main feature to the students – The Memphis Belle).
                *I talked about the crew positions of a B-17 bomber and explained the role and responsibility
                   of each man.  Afterwards, we handed out each student a replica War Department ID card
                  of an actual person who flew a B-17 bomber in WWII.  They will keep this all week and on
                  Friday morning, they will research that individual and find out what happened to that
                  person during WWII. 
                *Finally, we differentiated the sizes between the US and UK on a map.  Once the students had
                  that basic understanding, we informed them that over 3 million US troops arrived in the UK
                  beginning in 1942 and had them come to the map on the board and place a string from that
                  persons home state and they connected it to the location of Duxford on the map.  We did this
                  to reiterate the size difference, number of troops, and different locations that the US troops
                  came from in the US to help them understand how much of a change/struggle it was when the
                  US troops arrived in the UK and had to assimilate to the new culture as they prepared to defeat
                  our common enemy – Hitler and  NAZI Germany.

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